Program Administration
In partnership with the CNMI and Guam Medicaid Programs, TASI/PHIDC assists with the planning and development of the Medicaid HIT and Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) initiatives. This includes assisting with the development of State Medicaid HIT Plans, Planning Advanced Planning Documents (PAPDs) and Implementation Advanced Planning Documents (IAPDs). TASI/PHIDC provides TA to providers to meet the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009, Security Rule requirements.
In 2018, TASI/PHIDC entered into an agreement to provide technical assistance to conduct a needs and feasibility assessment to the development of a plan for a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Medicaid Claims Data Warehouse (CDW) / Decision Support System (DSS). The assessment and implementation plan will integrate the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) frameworks and models for health information technology (HIT), health information exchange (HIE) and the Medicaid management and information system (MMIS).
In 2021, TASI/PHIDC entered into an agreement to provide technical and administrative assistance for the implementation of the DSS/DW. TASI/PHIDC will host the DSS/DW data in a secure enclave and assist with the preliminary data cleaning and analysis of the CMA data. In addition, TASI/PHIDC will work collaboratively with the CMA on the requirements of the data submission guide and respective standard operating procedures in lieu of some of the manual processes. The DSS/DW is a multi-year and multi-phase activity to improve the business practices and data analytics/reporting of the CMA.
- Phase 1 is the initial establishment of the DSS/DW system and collection of Medicaid claims data and Medicare claims data.
- Phase 2 of the DSS/DW is the integration of T-MSIS data from Initiative 1 – the implementation of the MMIS and submission of data to the T-MSIS.
- Phase 3 of the DSS/DW is the integration of clinical data from Initiative 3 – the implementation of a Medicaid HIE, PHR, and CDR.
In 2021, TASI/PHIDC entered into an agreement to provide technical assistance to plan and assess options for the implementation of an enhanced Eligibility and Enrollment system and a Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS). The goal of the CMA is to submit the Transformed Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) data to CMS. In addition, these data systems will support efforts to continue program integrity and data analytic activities. This planning activity is referred to as the EMT project.
In partnership with the CNMI and Guam Medicaid Programs, TASI/PHIDC provided technical assistance to Guam Medicaid providers to meet the Meaningful Use objectives of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program, now referred to as the Promoting Interoperability Program. Together with the CNMI and Guam Medicaid Programs, TASI/PHIDC conducted and updating the health information technology (HIT) needs and feasibility assessment and environmental scan.
TASI/PHIDC is assisting the CMA with the close out activities of the Promoting Interoperability Program and planning for the Sustainability of HITECH. The CMA and TASI/PHIDC are engaging with program and policymakers for the transition of Promoting Interoperability program initiatives under CMS MMIS funding opportunities.
State Medicaid Health Information Technology Plan (SMHP)
TASI/PHIDC assisted the American Samoa and CNMI Medicaid Programs with the initial development of their SMHPs that outlines their respective HIT goals and establishes their Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs.
State Level Repository
TASI/PHIDC implemented and supports the State Level Repositories (SLR) for CNMI and Guam Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. The SLR connects to the CMS National Level Repository (NLR) for the registration and administration of the EHR Incentive Program applications.