Med-QUEST Enterprise Data Governance and Integrated Data and Analytics Module


In response to escalating concerns about healthcare costs, chronic conditions management, and uneven access to care, the State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Services (DHS) has embarked on the Hawaii Ohana Nui Project Expansion (HOPE) program, a five-year initiative to develop and implement a roadmap to achieve its vision of healthy families and healthy communities through the Triple Aim of better health, better care, and sustainable costs. DHS has identified four strategic focus areas to accomplish the HOPE vision and goals:

  1. Invest in primary care, prevention, and health promotion.
  2. Improve outcomes for high-need, high-cost individuals.
  3. Achieve payment reform and financial alignment; and
  4. Support community driven initiatives.

In addition, the HOPE Program has identified the following foundational building blocks necessary to achieve these four strategic areas:

  • Use data and analytics to transform and drive clinical care
  • Increase workforce capacity and flexibility.
  • Establish criteria and measures for accountability, performance measurement and evaluation

To achieve these goals, the Hawaii State Legislature passed Act 55 in 2018 that established a new Med-QUEST Division (MQD) Health Analytics Office (HAO) to support data needs across all MQD programs and improve and expand health informatics and analytic capabilities. The MQD HAO is tasked with leveraging all data available within the Hawaii Medicaid Enterprise (HME) to identify ways to improve delivery of health care to Medicaid beneficiaries and address increasing health care costs. To support these growing analytic needs, MQD HAO is embarking on implementing enterprise data governance and an integrated data and analytics platform module.


In support of the MQD HAO, TASI/PHIDC serves as technical assistance and professional services partner and serves a crucial role through the development and implementation of the Integrated Data and Analytics Platform and in the continued analytics work and data management required to sustain the activity. TASI/PHIDC is directly involved in the planning, implementation, and oversight activities of the various vendors and contractors that will be brought on as part of the project. TASI/PHIDC is tasked with assisting and overseeing with MQD the data planning activities, onboarding new data sets and quality assurance processes, various other data processing and management needs (quality assurance, person matching, ETL, etc.), participating in framing data governance for the platform, providing data products (reports, dashboards, etc.), and conducting various analytics for MQD use cases.